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What to Expect When Expecting Law School Decisions

In Uncategorized on February 22, 2017 at 12:48 pm

By: Leizl Hinajon, 3L USC Gould School of Law 

The February 1st deadline for most law schools has passed and schools are well into the application review process. Though you can still send in applications with rolling admissions, you should be playing the waiting game now.

This time can be more stressful than writing the application because you have put your faith in the trusty hands of the Admissions Office.  You may be thinking: How long does it take to read my application?  How do I compare to other applicants? WHEN AM I GOING TO GET MY DECISION?!

These are common questions that may race across your mind with a few weeks (or months for you early birds) of radio silence.  Here are some things you can do while you wait:

  1. STOP CHECKING LAW SCHOOL FORUMS. You should know by now that there are a lot of trolls online, so constantly checking for new admittees will do nothing but make you worry. You will get your decision in due time, but you can control how much you stress over it.
  2. Write a Letter of Continued Interest (LOCI). Whether or not you have been waitlisted, it is always good to see an applicant express further interest in said law school.  The letter should not be general, but be specifically-tailored to the law school and give something extra that was not already stated in your application.  Basically, the law school prints out your completed application once it is received and creates a file. ANY extra emails/documents you send via the Admissions Email will be printed out and stuck in your file for the next cycle of review.  If you don’t have anything new to add, DO NOT waste the Admissions Office’s time by reiterating what is already in your application.  Timing is everything, so make sure you are not pre-maturely sending this letter.
  3. Send an updated resume or transcript. Similar to reasons for sending in an LOCI, you can send an updated resume for any significant changes in your employment that gives the Admissions Office additional information that will enhance your candidacy. Same applies to your transcript, if you received new or updated grades that boost your GPA.
  4. Request a Letter of Support.  Since applying, you have probably done a lot of research on the law schools you’ve applied to and met some people that went to the law school.  If there was an alumni you met or you have a new supervisor at work that loves your work, you can request that this person send in a letter of support directly to the Admissions Office.  This can help boost your application from the maybe pile to the yes pile. Remember, a general letter wont do much, but a letter from an alumni saying you would be a good fit at the law school or a supervisor that can attest to a new development (think promotion) would help show you are continuing to build up your law school candidacy, even though your application is already in.
  5. Come to the Pre-Law Wednesday Walk-Ins.  If you have any questions about your application cycle or these supplemental documents, you can come to Wednesday Walk-Ins.  They are usually from 9:30AM -1:00PM unless there is an event.

Soon enough, you will be getting admissions decisions and you will need to weigh your options.  Stay tuned for our next blogpost: You’ve Gotten In, Now Which Law School is Right for You?