
Archive for October, 2012|Monthly archive page

How To: Get Fee Waivers.

In #INTHEKNOW on October 8, 2012 at 11:42 am

Applying to law school is an expensive process and one of the easiest ways to help bring down the cost is with Fee Waivers!  While you will still have to pay for CAS Report for each school you apply to, application fees for Law Schools can cost between 60 and 100 dollars so getting fee waivers to schools will save you a lot of money. How to get fee waivers:

CRS. On LSAC make sure that you allow Schools to access your information (ie: GPA and LSAT score) through the CRS! This will allow school’s to see whether you think you would be a competitive applicant or not and they will often contact you offering to waive your fee so that you will apply!

Law Fair. Seeking out a school’s representatives at the Law Fair and demonstrating your interest in the school is a great way to get a fee waiver! Most schools will send their reps with a stack full of fee waivers. The Law Fair is on November 12th at Trousdale Parkway!

Ask! If you were not given a fee waiver through CRS you can always contact a school directly and ask for a fee waiver. Showing an interest in the school and expressing financial constraints will often prompt their admissions team to offer you a fee waiver.

Some schools do not offer fee waivers and so you will have to decide whether the fee is worth it or not.

Good luck and any questions about fee waivers or LSAC in general can be sent to!